Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Colour Blindness

This is my first post this year and I'd like to say a very happy new year to you all.

Today, I want to talk about colour blindness in children.

I noticed that my last child did not recognise colours as easily as her brothers. Actually my first child had shown the same symptoms in his first 3 to 4 years. But as time went on he adjusted. The same problem has resurfaced with my last child. And this time, it appears to be more severe.

I noticed that she does not recognise certain colours no matter how many times she is taught. The colours that she has the most problems with are red, green and yellow.

I got so worried that I started doing research on this problem. These were my findings and they are revealed below. They might be of help to you if you have a similar problem with your child:

1. I found out that if your child of 4 years and above can still not recognise certain colours then he or she probably has colour blindess deficiency.

2. The deficiency is usually inherited. In other words some one in your family probably already has this deficiency.

3. The deficiency affects boys more than girls. Infact 1 to 2 out of 20 boys are affected. But this is not to say that girls are not affected too though at a lesser rate.

4. The colours that the child will most likely find difficult to recognise are red, green, yellow and orange.

5. Some situations might be so bad that the child might even find it difficult to group the same colours together.

6. Unfortunately there is no known cure for this deficiency.

7. The good news however is that many children will eventually overcome this deficiency.

 My advise therefore is to help your child to overcome this deficiency using these few tips:

1. Recognise that your child has a deficiency. It's really not his fault that he still cannot recognise the colour red even after 6 months of being taught. And take note: it does not affect his intelligence in any way.

2. Teach him or her colours at any available opportunity.

3. Buy colouring books and crayons for your child to colour and buy educational toys and/or interesting story books that teach your child colours so as to expose him or her as much as possible to colours.

4. Don't forget to tell the teacher if they haven't already noticed it that your child is colour blind so that they can pay more attention to him or her in that area.

5. Through all this, please remember that you need a lot of patience if you are going to get your child to overcome this deficiency. Show lots of love and encourage him at all times. A child that is not properly encouraged in this way will begin to see himself as dull and this might even transfer to other aspects of his education.

Hopefully with these few tips, your child's colour blindness deficiency will in a few years time be a thing of the past.

See ya.


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